We are Unifor Local 6007, dedicated to serving nearly 1500 members throughout Ontario, working within Bell Canada, Bell Canada Sales and Comtech Credit Union.
Our Goals
- Represent all persons eligible for membership, regardless of race, creed, colour, age, marital status, family status, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, language, religious beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, disability, records of offence or political affiliation in the promotion of their economic interests and the advancement of the highest professional standards.
- Give assistance and encouragement to organizations in organizing workers and to engage in such other activities as may be necessary or proper to strengthen the labour movement and to extend the process of collective bargaining throughout all trades and industries.
- Protect the interests of the Local’s membership; to ensure fair treatment of our members within the workplace concerning wages, collective bargaining, grievance resolution, job security and secure working conditions conducive to safety and good health.
- Secure legislation safeguarding and promoting economic security and the social welfare of all workers; preserve and extend civil rights and liberties within a free and democratic society.